Friday, October 12, 2007

Quick Workout Moves

I love working out and especially going for runs. With my schedule this fall, however, I've cut my daily running routine down from everyday to about three times a week if I am lucky, and I definitely never have a big enough time chunk to hit up the gym.

The website below gives some good tips for how to incorporate a few small exercises into a daily routine so that you can stay healthy without devoting any time away from your regular activities. Don't be surprised to see me doing calf lifts if we're ever riding in an elevator together!

1 comment:

JewelDV said...

You've got interesting topics on your blog and I like how you link to different articles on each post, especially this one about small exercises you can do throughout the day, are helpful for busy college students and other adults. I like reading about different issues that can affect college students, such as how sleep loss can lead to mental illness. I also like how you include links to tips for time management on the side of your blog.